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MINAT At Senate Defends Bill on Civil protection

MINAT At Senate Defends Bill on Civil protection

Territorial Administration Minister, Atanga Nji Paul this December 4, 2024, faced the Commission of Constitutional Laws, Human Rights and Freedoms, Justice, Legislation and Administrative Regulations, for the defense of bill No. 239 / PJL / SEN / 3L governing Civil Protection.
It was Chaired by Honorable Mbella Moki Charles, the Vice-President of commission. The plenary would scrutinize the content of the new regulation which generally aims to define the mechanisms for the coordination and implementation of civil protection; determine its means; set the terms of its financing as well as the criminal sanctions reprehensible in matters of civil protection in Cameroon.
The current reorganization of the legal framework that dates back to 1986 is concerned with breathing new life into the field of Civil Protection in order to increase prevention and control the handicaps that hinder its implementation, particularly in the effective and efficient management of disaster victims during disasters. Knowing their current increase due to climate change and incidents inherent to human activity. The necessary innovation is intended to improve disaster management which have had a strong impact on certain regions of the country with material damage and loss of life.

Précédent Le MINAT devant le SENAT