On January 31st, 2024, the Division of Translation and Promotion of Bilingualism at MINAT organized a quiz and food fair to celebrate the 26th National Bilingualism Week. The quiz contestants were drawn from across the departments of MINAT, and their proficiency in their second language was put to the test. Dr. Werebesi Luther, Director of DTPB, along with Mme Juliette Mbella of DCRP and Mr. Mondjeli Joseph, Assistant Research Officer at DTPB, inspected the candidates just before the quiz. The day was crowned by a food exhibition, which featured a display of different cuisines that created an ambiance for the various staff, including MINAT’s SG, Yves Christian Edoa Effa, to enjoy. The dishes included « water fufu and eru, koki, ekwang, khati khati, kilishi, okok, pepper soup, achu, and porc sauté. » Speaking during the food fair, the Director of DTPB said that food is linked to bilingualism because bilingualism is inspired by cultures that come along with a heritage of cultural dishes.