The second phase of the governor’s conference is taking place at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel where MINAT, MINSEC and MINEDUB in an in camera session informed governors on measures taken to eradicate the consumption of drugs in schools and the fight against violence. Speaking to the press, Minister Pauline Nalova Lyonga Egbe said discussions with governors centered on deepening collaboration for severe sanctions on drug crimes perpetrated in schools. The Minister of Basic Education, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa on his part told the press that, fighting drugs requires families, NGOs and administrative authorities to monitor attitudes and actions in order to stamp out drugs. He regretted that, ICT tools are used to promote drug abuse, whereby coded language is used when carrying out the act, thus calling on vigilance to identify and fight hard drugs in schools. Meantime, the ten governors are reviewing the state of their Regions and is being chaired by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Atanga Nji Paul.
MINAT recommends the fight against juvenile delinquency and drug trafficking in schools.He was speaking on July 18, 2023 at the close of the first bi annual conference of Regional Governors for the year. Minister Atanga Nji urged governors to preserve peace and guarantee security on the entire National Territory. He equally reminded them to fight against urban disorder, maintain law and ordre and preach by example. The final report of the two days conference was earlier read by the Secretary Genaral of MINAT, Yves Christian Edoa Effa. The closing ceremony also saw the decoration of two governors to the dignity of grand officer of valour as appreciation to their services rendered to the nation. That is, Abate Edi’i Jean Governor of the Nord Region and Felix Nguele Nguele Governor of the South Region. They were decorated by Minister Atanga Nji on behalf of the Head of State at the esplanade of the Yaounde City Council.